We welcome submissions from prospective authors who believe they have a book that fits the Hadleigh Books ethos.
Before submitting your proposal to us, please read these guidelines. Authors who do not follow these will not receive an acknowledgement.
1) Is your book a non-fiction book? Does it fit in with the subjects that we already publish? If not - we will not be interested in publshing it.
2) Is your book finished yet? If it is only partly written or even just an idea in your head, we will not be interested in publishing it.
3) Usually we only publish books in E-BOOK VERSIONS and not as paperbacks, apart from exceptional cases. So if you are hoping to see your book published in traditional book form, then we are not the publishers for you.
If you have read the above three points and are happy with them, we will look at your book idea ONLY if you fill in the submission form and send it to us ATTACHED TO YOUR E-MAIL at info@hadleighbooks.co.uk
Any prospective authors who not not follow these guidelines will not receive a reply!